Selected Publications


Boone, D. M., Faith, M. A., Stromberg, S., Fritz, A., Hernandez Rodriguez, J., & Gregus, S. (2022). Relationships among parenting stress and wellbeing, COVID-19 information management, and children’s COVID-19 fear. The Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 43(9), E581-E589.

Faith, M. A., Boone, D. M., & Davila, E. (2022). Parent coping, emotion socialization beliefs, and sibling relationship quality in pediatric cancer. Children’s Health Care, 52(3), 221-243.

Stromberg, S., Boone, D. M., Healy, A., Feldman, M., Grishman, E. K., & Faith, M. A. (2021). Social self-efficacy associated with HbA1c though physical activity and diabetes quality of life: A serial mediation study. Pediatric Diabetes, 22(7), 1081-1091.

Kim, S., & Boone, D. M. (2021). Protective and risk factors at the intersection of chronic pain, depression, anxiety, and somatic amplification: A latent profile approach. Journal of Pain Research, 15, 1107-1121.

Faith, M. A, Boone, D. M., Kalin, J. A., Healy, A. S., Rawlins, R., & Mayes, S. (2021). Improvements in psychosocial outcomes following a summer camp for youth with bleeding disorders and their siblings. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 61, 144-150.


Selected Presentations


Boone, D. M., Schimmel-Bristow, A., & Faith, M. A. (2023, April). Changing Habits: Adherence, Resources, and Motivation in Sickle Cell (CHARMS): Using Motivational Interviewing to empower patients regarding their adherence. Symposium presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.

Faith, M. A., Stromberg, S., Boone, D. M., Barakat, L. P., & Canter, K. (2022, April). Feasibility and recruitment/retention successes and challenges in pediatric oncology virtual interventions. Symposium presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Phoenix, AZ.

Stern, M., Davila, E., Boone, D. M., Devlin, E., & Bannouri, M. (2015, April). Targeting caregivers to enhance the health behaviors of pediatric cancer survivors: A preliminary analysis of NOURISH-T. Paper presented at the Society of Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.